Applicant Requirements
Applicants must be undergoing active treatment for a blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma) at the Texas Medical Center (TMC). No other cancers will be considered
Active treatment means that the patient must have at least one weekly appointment at a treatment center in Houston
Applicant’s permanent home address must be greater than 50 miles from TMC
Stem cell transplant patient’s home address must be greater than 25 miles from TMC and requires a doctor’s order stating that the patient must reside within 20 minutes of the hospital
Applicant agrees to provide information, if requested, that will aid in assessing their ability to afford housing in a regularly priced fully-furnished apartment or hotel during weeks to months of treatment at the Texas Medical Center, and attests that such regularly priced housing would cause a significant financial hardship to them or their caregivers
Applicant MUST have a caregiver living with them at Halo House at all times

After Halo House Care


Length of Stay

Should an apartment become available, applicants must sign an apartment lease for a minimum of TWO WEEKS and may stay at Halo House for a maximum of THREE MONTHS
If a patient has had an allogenic stem cell transplant while they are residing at Halo House, then their lease may be extended for one month (for a maximum stay of FOUR MONTHS)
A letter from the patient’s doctor or social worker confirming the allogenic stem cell transplant is required before the lease will be extended
Wait List
Applicants will be added to our wait list and will receive an email confirmation within two days of application submission
The wait for an available apartment can be anywhere from one to three months
Your email confirmation will provide suggestions for additional housing options. It is impossible to know exactly when a Halo House apartment will be available, therefore, we strongly encourage you to get on wait lists for other organizations
If your need date changes, DO NOT submit a new application as this will only delay your application process
To make any changes to your application, please call 713-665-8852 or send an email to mail@HaloHouseFoundation.org letting us know the patient’s full name and the changes to be made