Financial Gifts
Halo House is a nonprofit organization (EIN 27-1220705) and as such relies on generous donors to support our programs and services. These gifts allow us to continue to provide high levels of service and excellent living conditions for our guests.
There are many ways to make a financial gift. Gifts can be made and recognized in a variety of ways:
General donation (either a one-time or a recurring gift)
In honor or memory of a loved one (families are notified of the gift)
Purchase an engraved paver or heart for our donor recognition areas
Name an apartment (donor plaque will be placed outside apartment door)
Event ticket purchases
Event sponsorships
Shop on AmazonSmile or our Amazon Wish List
Donors who make financial gifts can deduct the donated amount up to the legal limits allowed by law.

Stock Gifts
Did you know that when you donate stock, you avoid the tax on the gain while
deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? When you give stock, you may
earn 2-3x the tax savings vs. donating cash. It’s a win-win for you and us. And
now it’s fast, safe and easy to do.
Halo House Foundation has partnered with DonateStock.com to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less. Our DonateStock page https://donatestock.com/halo-house-foundation enables you to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy.
So remember, charitable giving doesn’t always mean cash. By giving stock, your support will have even greater impact—without denting your pocketbook. Give smart and save more by putting stock in something that matters.

Create a Philanthropic Legacy
A planned gift (or legacy gift) is an intended future gift that designates some part of an individual’s estate as a donation to a nonprofit. Planned giving enables individuals to create a powerful philanthropic legacy by making a direct impact on the causes important to them. Common types of planned gifts are made through:
Bequests – a gift made through a will or a living trust
Life Insurance Policy – a donor can designate a charity as a life insurance policy beneficiary
Retirement Plan Beneficiary – like a gift of life insurance, a donor can name a nonprofit as the beneficiary of a portion or all of his/her IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plans
IRA Rollover – a Charitable IRA Rollover (also referred to as a QCD — a qualified charitable distribution) allows donors 70½ or older to make tax-free IRA charitable rollover gifts of up to $100,000 per year directly from their IRA’s to eligible nonprofits
Charitable Gift Annuity – allows the donor to transfer an irrevocable gift of cash or securities to a nonprofit in exchange for a fixed income payment for life
Charitable Remainder Trust – allows a donor to contribute appreciated assets to the trust, generate a fixed income stream, defer or eliminate gains, and reduce estate taxes
Donors wishing to leave Halo House a planned gift should consult their tax attorney or financial advisor for more information on these and other planned giving options.
In-Kind Goods or Services
An in-kind donation is a non-cash gift made to a nonprofit organization, including goods, services, time, and expertise. In-kind donations help nonprofits access goods and services that would otherwise be unaffordable, or free up resources to be spent on something else and can include physical property (stuff!), intangible property (copyrights, patents, intellectual property), and services such as legal, accounting, landscaping, or other services.
Before in-kind gifts are accepted, Halo House will review the item/service to be donated and will inform the donor whether we can accept it or not. Please review our Gift Acceptance Policy by clicking the link below.