Susana Obregon is a beautiful little girl from El Paso, Texas who’s already been through more than any child should have to endure in life. At the tender age of 7 she’s already had two stem cell transplants at Texas Children’s Hospital and received a cutting edge new treatment in Philadelphia known as Cart 19.
You see, Susana suffers from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or A.L.L., which her mother (also named Susana) was told is supposed to be one of the best cancers to have … but after three relapses, Mrs. Obregon is not so sure. Susana had her first stem cell transplant when she was just 4 years old and she and her mother had to be in Houston for four months. This year, for her second stem cell transplant, she had to be in Houston for five months. Each time one of the main concerns was, where are we going to live? Mrs. Obregon said, “We were always worried about where we were going to stay. We never wanted to stay at a hotel as it’s not clean enough.” She went on to say that, “It’s not easy to face this kind of diagnosis, face cancer, and then worry about where you’re going to stay. We have all sorts of medical expenses.” Because of Halo House, “We don’t have to worry about where we are going to live, or what are we going to do, that I can afford.”
The Obregons have faced many challenges including lots of time away from home and the uncertainty that comes with cancer treatment. Mrs. Obregon said, “Our life is very different. I’ve learned more about life in the last 5 years than the last 30. I wish it wouldn’t have been so hard on my kids and my family. In the end it’s one of those life lessons. We don’t know the people we were before.”
Susana has been battling cancer since she was 4 years old and “she doesn’t know anything different” said her mom. We are happy to let you know that Susana received good news in October, and she got to go home to have a chance to be a normal, healthy and happy little girl with her younger sister Ivana. To date, Halo House has helped 270 families and provided over 17,000 days of housing.