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Featured Family – Candyce & Jerry Hinkle

Meet Jerry and Candyce Hinkle from Little Rock, Arkansas. Jerry and Candyce started their cancer journey in September of 2018 when Jerry was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Jerry began receiving treatment at the University of Arkansas Medical Center and went into remission just in time for his stem cell transplant to begin. Shortly after receiving his first remission status, Jerry was diagnosed with a Ependymoma brain tumor. Jerry had surgery to remove the malignant brain tumor and had to relearn how to walk and swallow following the surgery.

In October of 2019, Jerry’s medical team suggested that he travel to Houston to receive treatment at MD Anderson. Jerry was accepted into a trial drug study at MD Anderson where he once again achieved remission. In true cancer form however, the trial drug began attacking Jerry’s digestive system and resulted in an 85-day inpatient hospital stay after which Jerry and Candyce moved into Halo House.

Candyce stated, “Halo House was so comforting, and it was great to be in a place that was so precautious (regarding COVID-19)”. Candyce always suggests Halo House to people who are beginning their blood cancer journey. They loved how kind the staff was, and they also enjoyed having a room where they could look out and see the garden.

Since their last hospital stay at MD Anderson, Jerry has once again gone into remission from the trial drug, and they were finally able to return home to Arkansas where he receives maintenance chemo. Jerry and Candyce are so happy to be back home in Arkansas enjoying sunshine on their porch and quality time with their cats!


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