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Halo House Hero – Tracy Rigo

Tracy Rigo, our Halo House Hero for June is most definitely a “jack of all trades”. It would not be an understatement to say that Tracy touches every aspect of Halo House operations and we couldn’t be more proud to highlight her this month.

Tracy first heard about Halo house in 2014 when her father, David Clifford, was in the hospital undergoing treatment for AML Leukemia. Her father became friends with a gentleman who was also undergoing cancer treatment and was staying at the Halo House. At the time, Tracy was looking for volunteer opportunities in the Houston area and knew right away Halo House was the perfect fit for her.

Tracy is one of Halo House’s most seasoned volunteers and began her volunteer journey with us when Halo House was just getting started. When asked what tasks she usually performs when she volunteers at Halo House, Tracy laughed, “Anything and everything! One day I’m changing light bulbs in closets, the next I’m calling potential residents to update their need dates. Every day is different”.

One of Tracy’s favorite things about volunteering at Halo House is the flexibility she is afforded. Each summer she escapes the scorching hot summer Texas heat by spending her time at her family’s second home in Oregon. While we miss her dearly every summer, we are happy that she is able to take that time to refresh and renew and we eagerly await her return each fall.

Tracy says she is compelled to volunteer because she realizes that Halo House is so beneficial to blood cancer patients and their families.  Being a part of a group that provides safe and affordable housing during treatment is very uplifting and rewarding. Tracy says, “I enjoy the positive effect that I have on the patients – even if it’s just changing a closet light bulb. It is something as small as a new light bulb that shows residents that we care and are here for them.”

Tracy is one of our many heroes who have helped Halo House become what it is today. We are so thankful to Tracy for all her hard work over the years and eager to have her as a volunteer for many years to come.


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